Types Of Moles Animal. Moles that are dark blue in color. The eastern mole is the mole that creates surface tunnels all over the place.

These complex underground labyrinths provide defensive. Voles are rodents and are about the same size as moles (4 to 6 inches in body length) with relatively large black eyes, small ears, a blunt face, and prominent orange front teeth for gnawing. Moles are trapped as pests, although they probably do less damage than the animals they destroy, and for their fur, which is.
This mole species is considered as one of the globe’s weirdest looking creatures thanks to the presence of 22 ringed rays on its nostrils.
It is the only living member of the genus neurotrichus and the tribe neurotrichini. The do not have external ears and have very tiny eyes. Most do not eat plants, but feed mainly on earthworms, insects, and grubs. Adults are typically about half a foot long with sleek, dark fur, long snouts, wide hands, and obscured eyes.