Is A Jackalope A Real Animal. You are bidding on a jackalope wall mount. It is actually symetrical and everything is in proportion to the mount.

Throughout the renaissance, many scientific texts listed a type of horned rabbit as a real animal. It is made of real rabbit fur. The fact that the jackalope is today considered a mythical creature hasn’t put an end to the sightings of the horned hares.
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The word jackalope is a portmanteau of jackrabbit and antelope. This is not a jackalope with giant antlers stuck on top of the head of a ragged jack rabbit. This disease is related to the human papillomavirus, and it causes hard, dark warts to grow on a rabbit’s face. They only exist after a taxidermist has done a little magic on a jackrabbit with some deer antlers or horns from another unfortunate creature.