Ham Comes From What Animal. It tastes like ham but is not real ham (a true ham comes from the hind leg of the animal). Fresk pork leg steak, center cut, leg of pork steak.

It doesn’t have to be cured; That's not the only place you'll find a distinction, however. Mostly the meat, when it is cured is termed as ham.
Just trying to imagine pairing the flavors of ham and spaghetti, guess you'll have to try it and see!
Mostly the meat, when it is cured is termed as ham. Ham comes from the bend of the knee or the upper part of the thigh or the buttock of the animal. It’s the rear end, the hindquarter, the tuchus of a pig, plus a bit more down the leg for good measure. Imagine where the hams are at the top of your own legs, it’s the same.