Animals That Live In The Sea. Animals that live in the ocean come in many different shapes, colors and sizes and live in even the coldest and deepest environments in the ocean. Ask the children the names of the animals and if they know where each of them lives.
Animals that live in the sea take a trip under the sea and learn about turtles, octopuses, rays, jellyfish, spanish dancers (sea slugs), sea cows (manatees) and. They appear to live in deeper water in the north of their range, but in the south can be found in the intertidal zone. An extinct giant shark, one of the largest predators ever, up to 65 feet long;
A large herbivorous sea mammal, related to the dugong, with rounded flippers;
Amoria undulata (lamarck, 1804), wavy volute. Hand out the miniland animals. In the depths of the ocean live many wild and diverse sea animals. Some sea animals are well known such as whales, sharks, dolphins, octopus, turtles, etc.