Animals Lewis And Clark Discovered. On lewis and clark's expedition, they encountered 120 mammals, reptiles, and fish. The, during the winter in north dakota, the hidatsas had told lewis and clark about there’s this ferocious animal that lives where you’re gonna be going.
Lewis observed and named the animals, writing descriptions of each new specimen in his journal. The columbian ground squirrel was first encountered, and thus discovered, in western montana, but it was not carefully described until after the group. Lewis and clark discovered that those who lived in the columbia river gorge spoke a different language, but they ignored the nez perce warnings and encountered no hostility.
Louis up the missouri river, over the.
Lewis & clark expedition scientific discovery: On lewis and clark's expedition, they encountered 120 mammals, reptiles, and fish. Lewis and clark bartered nuts above celilo falls and found these trees near the cowlitz river. All quotations or references to journal entries in the ensuing text are from moulton, by date, unless otherwise indicated.