Animal With Best Eyesight. Owls can spot a mouse on a football field even is the only source of light is a single candle. View image of sweat bee (megalopta genalis) (credit:

What’s best for one species such as a hawk would be poor for another species such as a human. Many of us have heard the phrase “ eagle eye “. Does birds have good eyesight?
Birds of prey boast the greatest visual acuity of all animals and zoologists believe some hawks and eagles have vision eight times sharper than ours.
Where we have three different types of cones to detect color, they have a whopping fifteen, some of which see in the uv spectrum. Birds of prey, including eagles, can see four to five times farther than we can, which means they have 20/5 or 20/4 vision. The critter with the world’s best color vision (as far as we know) is the bluebottle butterfly. Their enormous pupils can perceive a lot of light.