Animal Science Merit Badge. You still must satisfy your counselor that you can demonstrate each skill and have learned the information. Please read and understand the.
Animal science merit badge animal science merit badge pamphlet.pdf adobe acrobat document [17.4 mb] archaeology merit badge archaeology merit badge pamphlet.pdf adobe acrobat document [25.0 mb] archery merit badge archery merit badge pamphlet 35856.pdf adobe acrobat document [3.5 mb]. The mammal study merit badge is a great way to take your appreciation of these creatures to the next level. Requirement 6 will focus on the farm's southdown sheep.
The mammal study merit badge is a great way to take your appreciation of these creatures to the next level.
Keep records of feed intake, weight gains, medication, vaccination,and mortality. Animal science merit badge workbook this workbook can help you but you still need to read the merit badge pamphlet. The requirements for this badge can be completed by studying beef cattle, dairy animals, horses, sheep, hogs, or avian breeds. List five diseases that afflict the animals in each of the classifications in requirement 1.